DEMONS by Lars Norén
"What our audiences had to say…."

© Tom Millhouse 2019
"This was a captivating show from start to finish. The cast members quickly drew the audience into a play that generates a wide range of emotions and they were so skilled in enabling us to get to know the characters. The set design was impressive, with attention to detail, and was used to great effect. We will definitely look out for more shows by The Inner 6 collective and its members."
"I really enjoyed your production. It was dark, intense, witty and gripping."

© Tom Millhouse 2019
"Compelling, funny, dark, disturbing, and real. The physicality of the performers and set really elevates this play to special levels. Not
for the faint hearted."

© Tom Millhouse 2019
"A real treat from The Inner 6 company with this Swedish play by Lars Norén, very provocative and efficient, a typical Scandinavian journey here with all the passion behind the apparent reserve. It is so rare to see a foreign play in translation on the London stage that I enjoyed every minute of it. All these international actors were quite remarkable as it is not an easy play to say or to act, the vibrant exchanges really well served by a strong and physical direction, a lot of physical action involved here the action often close to violence, both words and deeds. A real immersion here with this energetic play. The company also made the most of the lovely Bridewell Theatre, please bring us more of these foreign plays, we badly need them. Excellent !"